Sunday, April 6, 2008

For My Money Nothing Beats A Monkey On A Bicycle!

Today we visited the Guangzhou Zoo, and while it wasn't nearly as animal friendly as most American zoos it was much better than what I expected. Since we didn't get to make the Beijing portion of the trip due to the length of our stay in Guangzhou it was nice to actually get to see a Giant Panda in China. Though the enclosure for the panda was not as good as I thought it would be, it was certainly the most protected. You can tell that it is the national symbol of China. The panda was in a cage, but it appeared to also be able to go outside, and it is protected by a wall, moat, and electric fence. Probably my favorite animal there was the Red or Lesser Panda (That's him in the last photo). He had a large enclosure with no bars and lots of trees to climb and grass to crawl around in--Very beautiful. This zoo reminded me of an American zoo before the 1980's (come to think of it, lots of things in China remind me of the U.S.A. in the 70's and before). Many of the animals were in cages and the way the visitors treat them is shameful, throwing things at them--we saw a poor brown bear sitting in the moat of his reasonably nice pen eating what appeared to be a plastic cup that had been thrown in. Still its hard to be too judgmental of the people here, they just haven't ever learned any different. That being said, everywhere you go there is not just one trash can, but one for recyclables and one for other trash--maybe we could learn a thing or two from them also. In one part of the zoo I spotted a building with a picture of a monkey on a bicycle. Now I don't know about you, but when someone teases me with monkeys on bicycles money is no object! It actually only cost about a dollar to go in for the show, and while certainly entertaining, it was sad to see the trained animals forced to perform. There was a bear who rode a motorcycle and bicycle and walked on a ball, a lion who pulled a chariot, a dog who walked on a ball, and of course monkeys on bikes! This also reminded me of something we would have seen in America in my childhood, and while it is nostalgic on a certain level I can't help but feel bad for the animals. Audrey loved the zoo, so we can't wait to make our first visit to the OKC Zoo.

Every day she seems to become more comfortable with us and assured that we are going to be here when she goes to sleep and when she wakes up. She still doesn't want to be comforted by me, but she is much more accepting of me and also is more tolerant of new people and faces. Hopefully the change in environment when we come home won't change this.

Auntie Andie has already made the first zoo visit request, so start making your appointments now. The line forms behind her.


nataliek said...

Sign up Auntie Natalie and Laurel--Laurel just renewed her zoo pass so we're ready! Of course, we have to have blue raspberry sno-cones and lemonade while we ride the train. Just ask Laurel--she'll give Audrey the scoop on the benefits of the "white" train versus the "red" train.

See you soon!

duncank said...

Kids love the zoo, my favorite memory of the OKC zoo was the monkey boat just as we walked through the gate. Of course, that was forever ago. Also, drinking water from the Lion's mouth water fountain. I know things have changed quite a bit over the years. Hopefully for the better for all the animals. I am thrilled to have spoken to Brad and Lori just yesterday. Sorry it was so late there. I'll bet Audrey will love to feed the fish at Lake Pops & Granny. That will be a great memory maker. Hurry home... Aunt Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I've been following your postings and can't wait to meet little Audrey. I would also love to tag along on a zoo trip... I'll follow behind the long line of aunts. :) Be careful... and see ya'll (just a bit of home!) soon. Kirsten M.

Anonymous said...

Monkeys on bikes!...wrong, but soooo entertaining. Took Jack and Megan to the Shrine Circus last week. Why does a bear on a motorcycle captivate me so? The Stephenson kids will take a number for an OKC zoo day with Audrey. (I, too, miss the monkey pirate ship) Don't sweat the attachment stuff Brad. Lori will be the jealous one in a couple of months when YOU are all Audrey wants. Little girls love their daddys...just wait!

You three be careful coming home. We can't wait to meet her.

Matt, Jen, Jack & Meg

kyle and paula said...

We can't hardly wait to go to the zoo with you and show you how a couple of monkeys really act!!!
Kent and Jack

Anonymous said...

So glad your family got to see the zoo there, some thing about animals makes babies happy. We're in for a zoo trip too. Happiness is coming your way with little Audrey. Can't wait to here all the stories about Audrey & your trip. Annie