Monday, February 11, 2008

New Details

We just got Audrey's translated medical report, and here is some new information about her:

Height: 26.77 inches
Weight: 16.5 pounds
Head Size: 17.52 inches
Chest Size: 18.50 inches
Favorite Toy: Stuffed Turtle
Favorite Activity: Listening to music in bed.

She was found outside of the Maoming city hall on either December 4th or 5th, and her birthdate was determined by various health developments.

Though we were told that putting blocks into a container and removing them was her favorite toy, this is not correct, it is actually a developmental test that she can perform. She can also pick up a pill from the ground using her thumb and index finger.

All of her medical tests were normal. She can crawl and stand up by herself, and by the time we get her she will probably either be walking or be close to walking.

We have submitted a care package to the orphanage that includes a couple of cameras and a list of questions. Hopefully the caregivers will be cooperative and we will get answers and maybe new photos from them before we travel to China.


crys said...

i'm so happy & excited for you guys!!
can't wait to meet this little girl - such a cutie with a perfect little nose.
glad to know there will be a place for updates!

Kristen said...

Congratulations! Audrey is so pretty! (Crystal forwarded me your blog address - I'm not a random stalker.) Do you have your travel dates? So exciting - best of luck to you!