Sunday, March 30, 2008

And Now A Word From Lori

Since this is the first night that Lori has been able to put the baby to bed without her, I thought it was time that she post her thoughts about the trip:

Hello everyone, I know you are dying to hear from me.  Well needless to say I have had this little spider monkey literally attached to me at the hip.  That is all better now!  The other mothers and I call it the Velcro Baby Diet--we are all losing weight carrying this extra 20 lbs and skipping our own meals to some extent.  
I do have to say that I like her a lot!  She is precious and full of personality--one that we see a little more of each day.  I have had the good fortune to see up close a lot of her firsts--her first kiss!, two sign language words (more--which she uses a lot) and all done, and finally her first sleep through the night-at least for us.  I truly think she is crazy about Brad--she is just keeping it to herself right now.  But we all know your first love is your Mom--everything else comes along soon after.  
China is great.  You feel very close with the country and the people--not just because you have a child from here and  because we are learning so much about the culture, but because of the Chinese people's sense of personal space.  There isn't much.  Everyone likes to come very close to me and to Brad and Audrey.  They want to touch and hold your baby and do not feel it is odd to try to do so.  Mainly they are curious as to why white people have a Chinese child.  You would think it was a common site, but in a country of 1.3 billion--few really see so many children adopted out to others.  The one child policy is just a fact of life and no one seems to resent it or feel marginalized by it in the least.  There are a few ways that a person can qualify for two kids--be in a minority race (90% of the country is Han--the rest something else), be a government employee or have a very dangerous job, some countryside families who have dangerous jobs and a few other reasons.  Most do not qualify and the fines are unbearable, so abandonment is the only alternative to the punishment for two.  I can't believe someone would leave this sweet little girl or the many, many others I have seen in our hotel.  There are a few boys too, they are all considered special needs however.  
One truly amazing sight was at the City Office a few days ago--there was a family from Spain and they were adopting 3--triplets!  They said it is truly rare and the girls were about a year old and perfect.  Can you imagine someday 3 little Spanish speaking Chinese girls--life is so amazing.
Well I will sign off for now. One rule for sure--when baby rests, momma rests.  


Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts and Daniel loves looking at the pictures (of course he wants candy after it cause "his friend Audrey has candy"). It is fun keeping up with you through your adventure. She is precious and sounds like she is doing so well in adjusting to all the new "firsts". Keep the pics and posts coming till we can see you in person.

nataliek said...


We knew you would be a great mom! Audrey is the star of B&N--the first question each day is "have you seen the new photos?". She'll soon be hosting our storytime. Now, we just need to teach her how to shelve books! Enjoy your trip and all of Audrey's firsts.
Love the sunglasses and her wardrobe--quite the fashion plate already!

Anonymous said...

Lori & Brad,
She's absolutely beautiful! You already look like the perfect family. We can't wait to hold Audrey. She has the most kissable cheeks. Be save, we're all praying for you guys and hoping you are having a great time. And don't be concerned about her being small, SHORT GIRLS ROCK!!!!!

crys said...

i'm betting that last anonymous comment was from kathy...
just a hunch.

little miss has 2 tremendously cool parents - you guys are gonna have some of the best adventures!

(ps - you should talk to oprah about that 'velcro diet'... you could be on to something there.)

Anonymous said...

Lori,I love your line, when baby sleeps, momma sleeps. That is so true. Dads pictures with Audrey was great, I love it, I love it.
Audrey is so so cute. We love the pictures & stories. Annie & Terry

Unknown said...

Brad & Lori,
Audrey is indeed a little angel.......I am sure you feel blessed she is a part of your lives and she is indeed blessed to have you in her life.......

Fast foward a few years......when the boy's start hangin around....then life really get's exciting.....I will always be available for advice.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori & Brad -

Kelsey here (Mary Pyle's daughter & fellow world traveler) Oh my gosh - she's so amazing! What a cutie! My mom sent me the address to your blog - sounds like China is an education in itself - how fun. My accupuncturist adopted a little girl from India at the end of December of 2007 - here's her blog She writes about the whole velcro baby syndrome as well - maybe it might give you a little insight or make you feel a bit better that your little girl isn't as an extreme case.
What a joy - I will enjoy reading more about Audrey on your blog and can hopefully see her in person when I come home in June. :) Enjoy and have fun! I'm so happy for you!



Kathy said...

Yes, the blog about short girls was from Kathy. I know you guys are busy falling in love with that cutie but we are all desperate for more pics!! Remember, you have two babysitters (Liz and I) waiting in the wings. China sounds fantastic and exciting (except for the scorpion thing.) What an adventure! Jeff's right, call me in about 13 years and I'll give you all the teen advice you need. God bless and be safe. Love, Kathy

nataliek said...

I see a bestseller in the "Velcro Diet"--I'm calling Oprah now to reserve a space. The fortune cookie I had at lunch Saturday said "You have a charming way with words and should write a book." Coincidence, I think not! Audrey will be on the cover in her sunglasses and the inside photos will feature Audrey's tour of China. I predict it will knock "The Secret" out of the number one slot. And then we came have a booksigning--oh, guess we have wait three years until she can write.
We're waiting to hold her and babysit!

kyle and paula said...

you are a slight addiction in our house, we call granny for new stories daily, sometimes more, and are always checking the blog often to catch a glimpse of our new little star in the family. Audrey you have so many people eager to meet and know you, God bless you precious little one.
aunt Paula

John & Michelle said...

I am a mom in waiting. LID 3/8/07 for Raegan Adele. I appreciate your honesty. Some folks make it all seem like wine and roses, and even though I'd love for it to be that way, I preferr to hear the truth!