Saturday, March 29, 2008

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Today we visited the area of Guangzhou where the people buy products to make traditional medicines. It is incredible to see the vast amounts of mushrooms, fungi, starfish, seahorses, and other items that are either ground up to drink in tea or cooked directly into the food to cure illness or guarantee health. The above photo on the right is of two women searching through large tubs of live scorpions and picking out the ones that they want to buy. (I'm not sure how you determine a good scorpion from a bad one. I didn't see them thumping their bellies or feeling for mushy spots, but apparently there is a difference). Some of the shop owners were very adamant about not having pictures taken of them or their shops, and when I asked our guide why this was, she told me that many of them fear that we could be undercover journalists who will use these photos to try and shut them down. While I am saddened to see the giant sacks of starfish when I know that they are declining in our oceans I would never try and force them to shut down because they would still secretly use these items. If we disagree with what they are doing, we should educate them as to why it is bad for the earth and show them that there are other things that can make them well. 

Today Audrey started trying to feed herself with a spoon for the first time. She certainly grasps the idea, but we haven't found any food items yet that will stick to the spoon long enough for her to find her mouth with it. It won't be long once we get home that she will be shoveling down apple sauce for herself. She has yet to reject anything that we have tried to feed her, and apparently both of her legs are hollow because she will eat and eat and eat until the food is either all gone or we think she is going to burst and make her stop. She is not much bigger than a banana, but she can eat an entire one at breakfast along with a box of yogurt, a bowl of congee, scrambled eggs, and whatever else we hand to her. It is no wonder that she has the Buddha-like figure of her Baba. She is a very good baby, happy most of the time and easy to entertain, even in a busy public restaurant. Hopefully this will not change once we get to the USA. 


Anonymous said...

Okay, where did you get those cute shoes Audrey??? They go great with your outfit. I'll bet daddy and mommy are having lots of fun taking you places and showing you around. Just don't get hold of the scorpions... We love you have a great time getting to know your folks. They are wonderful people and they love you very much. Hurry home, we miss you already. Aunt Lisa

kyle and paula said...

There is so much to learn in such little time while we are little and so much growing to do, don't worry I'll show you a trick or two when you come home, we'll talk!!!!
your friend cuz Jack

Anonymous said...

Brad & Lori,

I finally caught back up with your blog. How wonderful it is that you finally got to meet your new addition to your family. Audrey is so beautiful. When you get home I would love to meet her sometime as well as Lori. The smile on Lori's face tells it all. I have enjoyed reading your journals.
I wish you a safe journey home and your new life together. Karri Adams