Friday, April 4, 2008

Girls Gone Wild Guangzhou!

Today was the day that we got our Chinese passport, and yesterday was China's equivalent of Memorial Day, a holiday called Tomb Sweeping Day. I'm not sure which, but in honor of one of these events our girl got a little out of control and flashed her top. I didn't hear the customary "whooo" shout, nor did I see Mardi Gras beads or a Girls Gone Wild t-shirt in Chinese, but something happened that probably doesn't need to be talked about if little Audrey ever wants to run for public office or work for the FBI. Actually she was just having a good time and acting silly. We did in fact get her passport from the Chinese government, so now we begin the United States part of the project.

We had the best meal of our trip tonight. One of the co-workers of another adoptive parent is from Hong Kong, and she gave them some thing to order already written in Chinese. Knowing what to ask for makes all the difference in the world. We had amazing sweet & sour chicken with delicious fried rice and some sort of spicy soup made with coconut milk, needless to say, we will eat here again before we come home. One of the things I had really anticipated for this trip was that the food would be weird and I expected to lose weight over the course of 2 and 1/2 weeks. I don't think Audrey is the only one who has gained weight since we got her. I was really disappointed that we were going to spend our entire trip in Guangzhou and not get to visit any of the rest of China, but it has actually been a wonderful trip and Lori and I were just talking last night about how much we have enjoyed ourselves. 

Now that we have our Chinese passport, we begin work on the paperwork for the U.S. Consulate. Our appointment there is Monday, on Tuesday we pick up Audrey's immigration visa, then Wednesday we start our trip home to meet all of you.


duncank said...

OK little Audrey, this makes it all seem real. Your picture with your passport is precious and "magazine cover" worthy. We have got to make a date for "girls night out". Cousin Taylor and Granny Lynda can come too, we will have to get our nails done and we will go to get ice cream and the we can watch movies... It will be a blast. Tell Baba not to worry about girls gone wild, we will keep it clean at least till the ice cream gets there. Much love to you and your momma and baba, Hurry Home we miss you....Aunt Lisa

Unknown said...

Oklahoma boy's get ready......Audrey Copeland will be here soon....ready to break some hearts.....

kyle and paula said...


Cousin Jack has begun to kiss the computer now when he sees your picture. We are so excited about your passport to come home, we are literally counting the days until we get to meet you. All this talk about the good Chinese food makes us very hungry for some. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Audrey is ready for a crop top!!! We love the picture with Mom and Audrey at McDonnalds, and the part when Lori said don't worry shes getting good food too. It was so great to here your happiness about your trip.... It will alway be very special. It makes me cry, I feel you are both so very happy. And we are truly happy for you. Annie