Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hi Again--it is Lori, even though it says that Brad is posting. I thought I would add a few more photos and try to keep them in the theme of eating. Eating is one thing that we have had no trouble with! She loves everything we have given her and she tries hard to feed herself too. She is a big "dipper" once Brad showed her how and now what ever she has is worthy of dipping in whatever soupy item she is consuming. Meat sticks can be dipped in ketchup, yogurt, applesauce and even creamed green beans--yumm-0.

So enjoy these photos. Oh, and tonight we celebrate "sleeping in your own bed" we will see how long before she realizes she is there--we'll let you know.

The first two photos are of our friends Tony and Margaret and Allie. They were on the first part of this trip with us and were there for Gotcha Day and a few days after. These were early photos of them with Allie--just a couple of months after getting her in 2006 and then on vacation with us about 10 months after getting her. We had forgotten how small she was and that she too was a chubby cheeked baby--I just wanted everyone else to see as well. The other photos are the first time Audrey really was successful with a spoon, then eating her favorite food at the White Swan--noodles (I haven't been able to duplicate those yet) and then contemplating the cat's food--I don't think she tried any of that . . .

1 comment:

Paige said...

Hi Lori and Brad and Audrey!!
I just found your blog via Gene's and have had the best time reading reading reading and looking at all of the fantastic pictures! It is so interesting to me to read your stories knowing we were there at the same time for many of the adventures you described...and gaining your perspectives, you know? We would love to keep in touch, and I know I will have some photos to send you...once I download them all! Our email is swmpgirl@wfeca.net
Enjoy the rest of your week, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Paige (and Mary!)